rone FAQ List v1.4
Q: When are you going to die?
A: According to The Spark's Death
Test, my date of death will be June 19, 2048. Cheer up, it could be worse.
Q: Has anyone ever told you that you look like
Matt Dillon?
A: Yeah, i get that often.
He's skinnier, has messier hair, a bouncier step, and is a whole lot
wealthier. Plus, he's a C wizard and i'm not.
Q: What's happened in your life?
A: I was born in Los Angeles. This was widely regarded as a bad move. I spent
eleven years in Ecuador, and after i graduated from high school, i went back to
L.A. for college (i even joined a frat, yuck). Again, a bad move. I flunked out
after three years and ended up moving to Seattle. I lost my job and ran out of
money after six and a half months and ended up moving to Miami. After working
for my mom for a year and four months, i ended up moving out to the San
Francisco Bay area. That was in July `95. Now, i'm
married to the lovely Kimberly Walint
and i'm high on life.
Q: So, what do you do for fun?
A: Well, i still read Usenet, especially talk.bizarre
and alt.religion.kibology.
I used to play
netrek, but i had to stop while i was
in Miami, and when i came to California and started playing again, i was too
far gone. A has-been. I sucked. So i stopped.
I enjoy listening to music a lot; i'm rarely without it.
I love watching and playing soccer. Go
San Jose Earthquakes! Go Team USA!
I'm also a fan of the Los Angeles Kings
and the Oakland Raiders (my secret
shame... even their web site sucks).
I play a little D&D. I go wine tasting. I'm quite the sophisticated nerd.
Q: Do you have any political affiliation?
A: The Scorched Earth Party
has all the answers. And if you don't like
their answers, they have a solution for that,
A: Because i care.
Q: Why are you such an elitist
A: Because i'm better than you.
Q: Why do you write "i" in lowercase?
A: Why do you write it in uppercase?
Q: What was up with the 5150 thing?
A: Look, don't ask. It's been done, it's over with.
Q: No, really, what was it all about?
A: You do things while you're growing up that start out as something you want
to do but end up as being a means to an end. This was one of them.
Q: But what does it mean, dammit??
A: Hey, i really liked Van Halen. And i fancied myself a mentally unbalanced
individual, a person not of his own mind. It
seemed a natural fit at the time.
Am i building character yet?