talk.bizarre is, above everything else, a community. Here are some of the works of some of its members.
alt.slack-rmgroup - Mark-Jason Dominus's yearly
exercise in Pinkness.
auto-lloyd - Artificial intelligence at its
bad-god - The mysterious psmyth indulges in
beckwith-mr-rone - Andrew Beckwith calls me by a
mote i've yet to (want to) shake.
bedtime-story - HWRNMNBSOL tells fairy tales the
way they used to be told in the old days.
ben-cox - Ben Cox suffers an ad hominem convulsion
blood - Dawn looks at the power of blood.
bonehead-tornado - The Bonehead survives the
bonehead-turbo - The Bonehead turbocharges an
article for no particular reason.
boutell-misc.test - My ex-roomate
Tom Boutell falls for the old
"Followup-to: misc.test" joke, much to my chagrin.
charlie-brown-goes-apeshit - kEvin
writes something that might kill Charles Schulz if he were to ever read
it (addendum: he must've read it).
doc-martens - Sho Kuwamoto disses style.
eightball - gomi writes about pool in a small
elliott.jesus-christ - Elliott Night has
unusual dreams.
elliott.palm-springs - Elliott Night has
VERY unusual dreams.
elvis-is-coming - Carasso parodies Clarence
Thomas IV's massive spam.
explain-t.b - Larne explores reflexivity.
face-in-the-sky - BillBill.
festival-of-jackhammers - BillBill and,
presumably, mr. x suffer an invasion of the landlord's minions.
figurine - Rocco Caputo eats too many Smarties.
francais - gj embraces the French.
fuck-you-ed-meadows - Derek Petrey is here to
praise Edward Meadows, not to bury him.
fuck-you-l.h.wood - Richard Sexton disputes
Lloyd's Welshness.
gallega - gj embraces the Spanish.
garrote - Eamon Daly hates SCO. So do we.
generation-x - Patrick Finerty has angst.
genesis - Alan Scott and the Genesis myth.
germans - Gooley embraces the German.
gifts - kEvin recommends you avoid vagrants.
grime - gj and war.
heart-of-the-flame - Larry Simon tells of the
love of one candle flame.
jehovah - BillBill wishes to be an organization.
jorge - HWRNMNBSOL thinks reincarnation is a scam.
juggler - buzzard juggles.
jukebox-alphabet - Zvi connotes the
kill-a-frog - Dr. Strychnine debunks old
larne-xmas - Larne tells of Santa's end.
life - Brett "Evolve or Perish" Summers talks about a
line-of-site - gj puts a newt spin on the Newt
maiden-over - gj aligns wickets.
matt-brown - A Matt Brown quote. Truer words might
have been spoken, but they are not relevant here.
mixed-emotions - kEvin isn't sure how to
more - buzzard drafts me into his fiction.
moron - Scott Dorsey tries to explain the perils of
Internet commerce to a fool and, predictably, fails.
muppet-tarot - Zvi creates a new deck.
net.humor - Jeff Swanson explains what makes things
nixon - AjD mourns the reinvindication of a dead
no-sin - gomi is guilt-free.
panic@ie - panic explains its absence.
periaktoi - Mike Dalton and a change of scenery.
pigs - Larry Simon completes a story.
pizza - kEvin explains pizza warfare.
popular-culture - AjD rues popular
culture. - The Imagician constructs a
PostScript likeness of mr.
x, chairman of world-renowned industry
leader X Industries
question-authority - Alan Scott on why
students nowadays suck.
recycled-paper - gj writes curmudgeonly.
salvage-t.b - Meredith argues against
skinhead-hamlet - Sho digs up a classic. Proper
attribution sought; if known, please
email me.
talk.bizarre-history - Michael Brown reminds
us where we come from.
the-apple - Curtis Yarvin on original sin.
theosophistry - dhalgren and economic
therapist - Gooley's therapist series.
tiger-or-lady - kaitem clears a
tribalmusic - Sho is very fervent about his
trilobites - cj issues an urgent warning.
wabash - Don't give cats net access.